Chicks still hanging around

All six chicks are still in the box. They spent the night by themselves for the first time. The sun is shining today for the first time in ages and the parent birds are making vaiant attempts to get the chicks out of the nest box. Tempting food is brought to the mouth of the box and the chicks are able to fly to the mouth but lack the courage to leave. The parent birds eventually bring some food into the nest box.
all six 31.5

6 chicks still being fed

still 6 still feeding 30.5

All six chicks are still being fed by both parents, albeit reluctantly. Both parents have been trying to tempt the chicks to leave the nest box by offering caterpillars at the mouth of the box.  The chicks respond by flapping their wings and creating a tremendous din. The parent bird eventually give in and enters the nest box to feed the young. The weather has picked up and is a perfect day to leave the nest box.


Garden Creatures